TifGrand® Certified Bermuda – Certified Bermuda from Tee to Green
Now in Hawaii! TifGrand® is the world’s first Bermudagrass scientifically developed to produce a superior turf cover in full sun and to thrive in as little as five hours of direct sunlight per day. TifGrand® has a natural dark-green color even at lower fertility, promising to make it a very environmentally friendly grass. TifGrand® can be mowed very low, relatively high, or somewhere in-between, making it one of the most versatile options for everyone under the sun. TifGrand® is ideal for sports fields in stadiums and on school playing fields. It’s also well suited for home lawns and commercial properties where shade trees or buildings cast shadows for part of the day. Hawaiian Turfgrass is the exclusive TifGrand® grower in Hawaii.
• TifGrand® Bermuda performs well in shaded (up to 60% – 70% shade) residential and commercial landscapes as well as other areas like shaded golf course tees, public and private parks and recreational sites.
• TifGrand® Bermuda thrives with superior quality in full sun.
• TifGrand® Bermuda can survive drought conditions and has reduced water requirements.
• TifGrand® Bermuda has significantly reduced fertilizer (N) requirements.
• TifGrand® Bermuda is a very attractive, dense turf with a naturally dark green blade.
• TifGrand® Bermuda is tolerant of traffic and wear, and recovers quickly with proper maintenance.
• Well maintained TifGrand® Bermuda grass will prevent weed establishment but is tolerant to most herbicides approved for weed growth to bermuda grasses in general.
• TifGrand® Bermuda is more resistant to Spring Dead Spot (SDS) than common bermuda grass selections like Celebration bermuda grass.
• TifGrand® Bermuda best mowing height is 1 to 2 inches
• TifGrand® Bermuda sod grass is only available in Hawaii from Hawaiian Turfgrass. Each purchase and delivery of TifGrand® Bermuda sod must be accompanied by a State of Hawaii Crop Improvement Association “Blue Tag Certified” Certification to ensure genetic purity.
-Thrives in 60% – 70% continuous shade
-Superior quality in full sun
-Attractive, dense turf